An innovative approach with the benefit of me loving the first two songs. Many health problems are the consequence of mental trauma.

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Master of Puppets was my driving force for this. It was Orwellian to me, in the "you know what's going on. What are you going to do about it?" Not an addict (I believe that was #2?) Is just a remarkable song, the reddit channels I surfed before conducting more sound research said that song was influential and impactful for their addiction journeys and for people across Europe.

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'One', especially the video, was a protest against those addicted to war.

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I have been a fan of that song since before I turned ten! I am not sure if you are a fan of covers, but I very much enjoyed this cover that offered a minstrel take on the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTCiuTUaEvs

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Good cover! Tributes, the innovative ones, keep music alive.


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Wow, that was cool! On the note of "Not an Addict," found this live version during my analysis. So good!!


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Ed Sheeran and his kind give me mental trauma :)

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Not a big fan of his either, but it was an interesting contrast to the other other songs.

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Pop wise, I'd go with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's 'Starting Over' or Amy Winehouse's - 'Rehab'

Jane's Addiction - 'Jane Says' (band named after their heroin roommate)

But NOBODY TALKS ABOUT ADDICTION AND THE CONSEQUENCES like Justin from Blue October. I was so impressed that I had people sit in silence until they'd heard a whole album. One girl started crying, saying he's like me, he's bipolar. A friend thanked me because the music was the motivator for his wife going to see a shrink to deal with childhood trauma. Hear these and your body hairs will rise in empathy. Play in order...





Their biggest fame claim was the song 'Hate Me'. Stunning lyrics. Begging his mother to give up on him. Hear 'Razorblade' for the heavier side. All poetic.

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